About Michael Vizdos
Michael Vizdos is an entrepreneur and consultant with decades of industry experience in software and product development.
In addition to working with clients around the world, he works part time as a Strategic Advisor for the Blueprint Education School District in Phoenix, Arizona, and is the “Scrum Master in Residence” at the VCU daVinci Center, in Richmond, Virginia.
He is a Certified Scrum Trainer with the Scrum Alliance and creator of ImplementingScrum.com (home of the original ”Scrum Chicken and Pig” Cartoons).
Referred by Ken Schwaber as an early agile pioneer, Michael is your trusted curator of the Scrum Guide Audio Book, the Scrum Guide YouTube Video Playlist, and the official online Interactive Scrum Guide.
Michael is a published author of a book with Scott Ambler and collaborated with Ron Jeffries on an online agile mentoring community.
Need a headshot to publish for a speaking engagement, conference, workshop, or maybe to use it as a bullseye when shooting darts? Here ya go…. You can right click and download it as needed. Please link the picture back to this page (www.michaelvizdos.com/about) if you publish it online.
Michael Vizdos is available for consulting and/or training with you, your team, and organization anywhere in the world.
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