Your CSM Training Experience With Michael Vizdos
Your CSM Training Experience
Here is what you may experience during a CSM (Certified Scrum Master) training event with Michael Vizdos.
Before We Begin
Prior to the training, you’ll receive preparation materials e-mailed to you beginning a week before the event.
You’ll have time to prepare before we meet!
If you want to sleep or do other work, please attend another training.
If you “only” want a certification stamp, please go to another training. You help build a positive learning experience with your peers in the training together.
This training is about shifting your mindset and learning a new perspective; this is not just a “101” (or fundamentals) course.
You will experience what it is like to work on a Scrum Team from the perspective of a Scrum Master.
We’ll take breaks often and your participation is both encouraged and expected over the two days.
The following description of the CSM Training experience is broken into four “sessions”.
If the CSM Training is over two days, we’ll complete Session 1 and Session 2 in the first day with Session 3 and Session 4 on the second day.
If the CSM training is over four days, well complete a session during each of the times we are together.
CSM Training Session 1
You’ll start the first morning meeting the other attendees in an informal environment.
You’ll be expected to do some pre-work of reviewing the Scrum Fundamentals course online from the Scrum Alliance and reading or listening or watching “The Scrum Guide (v2020).”
This will help all of us have more effective conversations over the two days together (and help with your test preparation).
PLEASE NOTE: This is not a just test preparation class (to pump you with the “correct” answers); you will do fine on the test [past attendees have a 99%+ pass rating].
Both experienced people and novices to agile and scrum find value in this training + the interactive environment.
We’ll spend most of the first morning gathering expectations, talking about basic Agile Principles and some of the fundamentals of Scrum that you reviewed ahead of the training.
This training talks about software development teams, but we will not dig into any technical stuff during this event (we will not be writing code to create software).
I’ve seen many more people outside of IT attending these trainings lately — marketing, sales, operations, legal, construction, teachers (+ district administrators) and more!
Scrum is all about people; you’ll experience what it is like to actually work on a Scrum Team and how to effectively create an environment for a high performing team to thrive in the real world.
Since the workshop is generally filled with people at all experience levels, the interactions between all of us will be enhanced by many different simulations, exercises and group discussions about real world situations.
I’ll pattern what it is like for you — from the perspective of a ScrumMaster — to be of service to the Development Team, Product Owner, and the Organization.
We’ll break for lunch.
CSM Training Session 2
The second session is spent getting buzzword-compliant (learning definitions with one another) and then exploring what it is like to work on a Scrum Team by actually using Scrum to work with your fellow attendees on a guided project together.
We’ll complete a retrospective about what went on during the simulation and then start discussions about the three accountabilities in Scrum — the ScrumMaster, Product Owner (we will continue this topic first thing on the second morning), and Development Team Member.
These are all from the perspective of a ScrumMaster and showing you the concepts of Servant Leadership.
And. It will end on time (plus or minus two minutes) because we use time boxing effectively to show this powerful aspect of Scrum.
You’ll also be building a reading list throughout the four sessions.
Like I said, it’s not for people who want a power-point bla bla bla type of presentation.
Come prepared to be present and interact with other people over the four sessions on this virtual online training.
You will have some homework (about 15-20 minutes) on the first evening so you are prepared with even more context for different discussions beginning on day two.
CSM Training Session 3
You’ll see some noticeable changes in this session.
We’ll start out discussing any questions that have come up (overnight, while you were in the shower, or commuting to the online training from your bedroom).
We’ll also review some of the homework from last night (it’s not a ton AND it’s helpful to actually COMPLETE this so you can have richer discussions with the other attendees!).
Then, we’ll talk about the Scrum Values and how they can be applied to your real world environments.
Here comes more about that topic of Servant Leadership (and still no touchy feely stuff — I PROMISE!). We will dive deeper into the topic of the 12 principles of the Agile Manifesto too [you’ll have extra context from our first day together so you this discussion is pretty rich and meaningful for all participants].
Good stuff. Really.
We’ll have some conversations about the interactions the Product Owner will have with the Development Team, the ScrumMaster, and outside Stakeholders.
This is a powerful section to help demonstrate the power of an INCREDIBLE Product Owner can have with the entire Scrum Team.
As a ScrumMaster, you’ll be working very closely with the Product Owner, Development Team Members, and outside stakeholders so understanding the three roles and how you interact with them is very important. Almost vital.
We will examine the important definition of DONE within a Sprint along with figuring out who is your real customer. Results here are usually very enlightening — and important to move on with the rest of the day!
We’ll break now.
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Thank you (I hope it is describing it in enough detail for you [smile)].
I am totally excited about doing this Certified ScrumMaster (CSM) training together with you!
CSM Training Session 4
You’ll then learn two very important techniques — creating user stories and then figuring out how to do estimations as a team.
This is a great place to learn how to build your initial Product Backlog so you can get started in the real world the next work day with what you are learning here.
You and the team will discuss the different estimation techniques that are used in the real world. We are not going to spend hours together doing this… here is why:
Your customers may really want to know only two things — when are you going to get done and how much will it cost (actually they usually tell you both of these constraints so let’s change the conversation about delivering the highest value scope at the end of each Sprint as a real Product Increment).
By the end of the afternoon, you’ll understand how to do this at both the Sprint and Release Planning levels.
We’ll finish up with the Sprint and Release planning, and then head into some topics that are driven by you and the rest of the participants in the training.
Throughout the two days you’ll have the chance to play the role of a Scrum Master and — guided by me — see what it is like to walk through some effective retrospective techniques learned at the end of the first day (and, as you’ll see, actually used throughout the entire two days).
Coming out of the four sessions, you should have some real actionable things you can put into place the next working day with the techniques you have learned.
After Your CSM Training - Becoming a Certified Scrum Master With The Scrum Alliance
You’ll get all the information you need to get registered with the Scrum Alliance (the non-profit organization that issues the certification) and then take an online assessment test.
Don’t worry about scoring 100% — you DO NOT need to be perfect (I know… being part of the 100% club is a thing I strive for regularly too!). Based on the aggregate numbers from all my international attendees, this should not be something hard to finish.
Once you pass the test with the Scrum Alliance online, you’ll have a two year membership with the Scrum Alliance and you’ll be a Certified ScrumMaster. The initial membership fee is included in the cost of your workshop attendance, and I’ll take care of processing all that with the Scrum Alliance for you.
If you need PDU’s for the PMI or other continuing education credits, we’ll work with you to make sure you get them applied appropriately (usually good for up to 16 PDUs).
Over time, you’ll also have the opportunity to keep in touch with me.
And if you don’t want to hear from me again, it’s OK too. I’ll give you advice along the way and you’ll have real life access to me even after the training is completed.
I want you to succeed.
I am here to help.
If you have any questions about this, please contact me.
If you are ready to register for an upcoming public training event, you can view them here.
Who Should Attend
The Certified Scrum Master training is aimed at those interested in pursuing a Scrum Alliance certification to attest their knowledge of Scrum with a specific focus on becoming a Scrum Master.
People (not resources). Is this you?
If you are on a Scrum Team or working with Scrum Teams this would be a great course for you.
While it is called a, “Certified ScrumMaster Training” this is a great experience for:
Developer (Development Team Member)
Project Sponsors
Executives working with Scrum Teams
This training is NOT intended for people who are just attending to get a certification from the Scrum Alliance. There are no powerpoint slides and you will play an active role in learning with other participants.
As with any CSM training from the Scrum Alliance, you’ll be eligible to take the assessment test online after the course is completed.
Your Instructor
Michael Vizdos is a CST (Certified Scrum Trainer) with the Scrum Alliance and and delivers consulting, training, and mentoring services internationally. Michael is the creator of Implementing Scrum and has been in the industry for over thirty years; he is an early agile pioneer and co-authored a book with Scott Ambler. Learn more about Michael Vizdos.
We are committed to supporting an environment that fosters dignity and respect for all participants, regardless of gender, race, disability, or political affiliation. During each event, participants must keep communications professional and supportive of the learning environment. We reserve the right to remove from any event a participant deemed by the facilitator whose actions disrupt the learning environment.
About the Author: Michael Vizdos
Hi. I really do appreciate you reading this article. My name is Michael Vizdos and I’ve had the privilege of working with thousands of people on teams all around the world for the past 30+ years of my professional career.
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