I Want Scrum Training - Preparation For Your CSM or PSM

Scrum Training: Getting Started

I Want Scrum Training

You are reading this because you are looking for (or considering) some type of Scrum Training.

My name is Michael Vizdos.  I am a Certified Scrum Trainer with the Scrum Alliance and have delivered Scrum and Agile training to thousands of people – in person and remotely – all over the world (since 2006). 


Settle In To Get Your FREE Resources
And Download Your Scrum Trainer Evaluation Guide
(really valuable stuff!).

This article contains three steps to get the most value for spending your time reading today.

Got feedback?

Contact me and let me know. I am always listening and update this page regularly as I learn more about your questions and concerns.


I Want Scrum Training
Step 1:
Bookmark this page.

Really, you’ll probably want to bookmark this page for future use (iWantScrumTraining.com) [CTRL-D on Safari and Chrome].

If you want to get formal Scrum Alliance Scrum Training or Scrum Training from a Scrum.org authorized trainer, know that both organizations use the Scrum Guide as the basis for any of their certification options.

Do your research on the different available available certifications (or ping me with direct message on LinkedIn to discuss the different options out there [with ZERO sales pressure]).

If you are interested in signing up for your Scrum Alliance CSM (Certified Scrum Master) training with me (Michael Vizdos), please click here and I’ll get you registered to get started on your journey with me. 

I would appreciate it if you did register to take your CSM Training with me.  You’ll be satisfied with the results.  

I also know you have many options from other incredible trainers as you hunt for a CSM Training – and most of them are much lower priced than me (and that’s OK, I don’t compete on “price” only).


Instead of telling you how “awesome” my training is (compared with everyone else who provides training)…

I’d rather you spend some time reading real information you can use to prepare for your CSM Certified Scrum Alliance or Scrum.org training – even if you do not take the training with me.

I Want Scrum Training
Step 2:
Prepare For Your Scrum Training With SIX FREE Resources


1) If you are currently unemployed (or under-employed), PLEASE DO NOT spend money you do not have on registering for training (mine or others).  

2) Careful... this certification ALONE will not get you a new job and "payment plans" or "borrwing money" to take a class is NOT something I'd advise you do.  

3) If you are looking for a new job -- or have friends who are looking for a new job -- stop by and/or share dream_job.mvizdos.com if I can help you with that process outside of getting a CSM (from me or anyone).

Buckle up for about 5 minutes of reading and learning.  

I promise it’s worth your time. If you want to learn about selecting the right Scrum Trainer, keep scrolling down to Step 3: Pick A Scrum Trainer (below the FREE resources).


These resources are free and will help you prepare for the Scrum Alliance or Scrum.org Scrum Training.

Use them all. Yes, even if you don’t take Scrum training with me.

FREE RESOURCE #1: ScrumFundamentals.com

Every CSM training requires you to understand the Scrum Fundamentals as a prerequisite for receiving your certification. 

The Scrum Fundamentals page contains a link to the “Learning Objectives” (directly from the Scrum Alliance) that every CST (Certified Scrum Trainer) must deliver for you.  

If you take the training with me, I’ll require you to be familiar with the fundamentals AHEAD of the training.  I don’t spend time reading the Scrum Guide to you during the training event.  

You’re an adult.  You got this.

If you don’t take CSM Training  from me, it’s a great resource for you to prepare for your CSM training no matter who you select for training.

FREE RESOURCE #2: InteractiveScrumGuide.com

Every CST (or PST) uses the 2020 Scrum Guide as the basis for you to become a CSM (or PSM).  

The Interactive Scrum Guide is your official and authorized online and interactive version of the 2020 Scrum Guide.  You can also view the YouTube Playlist of the 2020 Scrum Guide.

No matter which Certified Scrum Trainer you select to deliver your CSM training, this is another FREE resource available to you, the other attendees, and the CST delivering your training.

Even if you don’t take the training with me, share this with your fellow attendees and let your Certified Scrum Trainer know this resource is available for their use too.

CTRL-F is your friend (smile).

You can always refer to the Interactive Scrum Guide at www.InteractiveScrumGuide.com.

FREE RESOURCE #3: 2020 Scrum Guide Audio Book

I’ve recorded a FREE audiobook version of the Scrum Guide for over 10 years (and yep, it’s listed as an official resource by Ken Schwaber and Jeff Sutherland on their website).

This audiobook version of the 2020 Scrum Guide is just under 30 minutes.  If you listen to the audiobook at 2x speed (an ultimate hack I use often), you can finish listening to it in 15 minutes.

Oh, and the online Interactive Scrum Guide contains links to each specific section of the audio book if you need that for reference.

FREE RESOURCE #4: 2020 Scrum Guide YouTube Video Playlist

YouTube.  Some people love it.  

So, I published a free video for each section of the 2020 Scrum Guide.  

23 videos.  

Each one is between 2-4 minutes and contains the direct information from the official 2020 Scrum Guide.

You can view the entire 2020 Scrum Guide Youtube Playlist at sg20_playlist.mvizdos.com.

Like the audio book, the online Interactive Scrum Guide contains links to each specific section of the youtube video if you need that for reference.

FREE RESOURCE #5: ImplementingScrum.com

I created and published over 100 “Scrum Chicken and Pig” cartoons from 2006 through about 2012.  

I use them in my CSM training.

Other trainers might use them too.  That’s cool. 

The cartoons are my creation but yeah, they are now part of Scrum History so if you see them around, those are from me.

They also help people on their journey of Implementing Scrum, including those who are starting, practicing, coaching, leading, or even “managing" (but do not click the link on “managing scrum” [sigh]).

FREE RESOURCE #6: Scrum Chicken And Pig Cartoons

You can get a FREE Scrum Chicken and Pig cartoon delivered right to your inbox every Saturday morning.

What are the “Scrum Chicken and Pig” cartoons?

You can scroll to the top of this page for an example and you can read more about their origin at cartoon_origin.mvizdos.com.  

I’ve delivered millions of emails (I’ve done the scary math, and since 2006 that adds up huh) to my subscribers with real world concepts around Implementing Scrum.

Every Saturday morning, I sit down and reflect on something I’ve learned about Implementing Scrum.

It’s been over 20 years since my first CSM training with Ken Schwaber, and I still use and apply Scrum and Agile techniques on a daily basis in our company (and with our clients around the world).

You can click subscribe.mvizdos.com to start getting those emails this Saturday morning.


BONUS RESOURCE: Follow Me On LinkedIn

Connect or Follow Me on LinkedIn. You can also end me a direct message if you’ve read this and received some valuable information for your time // and you want to have a conversation there.

I Want Scrum Training
Step 3:
Select A Scrum Trainer

Pick Me (or not [smile]).

If you want to receive the Scrum Alliance CSM (Certified Scrum Master) or CSPO (Certified Scrum Product Owner) training, I am one of the original Certified Scrum Trainers with the Scrum Alliance and can provide that for you.

Check out training.mvizdos.com or Contact Me to discuss private training options (like bringing me into your company or organization onsite or remote for an awesome experience!).

Before signing up (or enrolling) for ANY Scrum training, I recommend you speak directly to the person — the actual human being and not a delegate to that person — delivering your Scrum training. 

ALSO —> Ask your friends and colleagues for a recommendation (of either “who to go” to or “who to avoid”).

Download your FREE Scrum Trainer Evaluation Guide containing the “10 Questions to ask your Scrum Trainer” by Michael Vizdos at 10_training_questions.mvizdos.com.

10 Questions Answered
From The Scrum Trainer Evaluation Guide
by Michael Vizdos


10 Questions To Ask Your Scrum Trainer

Created by Michael Vizdos at iWantScrumTraining.com

  1. How long have you been delivering Scrum training?

  2. How often do you update your Scrum training?

  3. How has your Scrum training evolved over the years?

  4. What else do you do besides deliver Scrum training?

  5. How much does your Scrum training cost (and what’s included)?

  6. What kind of preparation do I need to make before attending your Scrum training?

  7. What resources will I leave with after your Scrum training?

  8. Do you offer remote (virtual) or in-person training?

  9. Will the Scrum training guarantee me a new job or higher salary?

  10.  _________ → [ Insert Your Own Relevant Question ]



There are many marketing organizations that sell training from different people. 

If you are interested in Certified Scrum Training with a Scrum Alliance Certified Scrum Trainer, make sure you speak directly to the person delivering the training (you can Contact Michael Vizdos anytime).


Subscribe to my weekly emails about Implementing Scrum via subscribe.mvizdos.com.  You’ll get the “Scrum Chicken and Pig” Cartoons delivered to your inbox every Saturday morning!


You can read, watch, or listen to the 2020 Scrum Guide FREE at www.InteractiveScrumGuide.com.


How To Use This Scrum Trainer Evaluation Guide

STEP 1: Contact at least three Scrum Trainers.  Really. 

List them here:

  1. Michael Vizdosmvizdos@vizdosenterprises.com

    You can read my response to these questions at
    10 Questions Answered
    From The Scrum Trainer Evaluation Guide
    by Michael Vizdos

  2. Trainer 2 —> ____________________________

  3. Trainer 3 —> ____________________________

STEP 2: Speak DIRECTLY with the Scrum Trainer you are considering to take your training with.

This might be harder than it should be, so it’s a good indicator of what interactions you might experience with the actual person delivering your training.


Please have a direct conversation with the actual trainer you are considering for either public or private Scrum Training.


What Next?

I guess the first request is to PLEASE consider me for your Scrum Training. Even if you don’t, please check out all of the free resource above. They are all free and I promise you’ll be better prepared to take the training and obtain your Certified Scrum Master or Certified Scrum Product Owner from the Scrum Alliance (or the corresponding certifications from Scrum.org).

Learn more and register at training.mvizdos.com.

Please use the above “10 questions to ask your Scrum Trainer” and speak with the real person (your potential Scrum Trainer) delivering your Scrum training.

If you’d like to speak with me (Michael Vizdos) more about my answers to any of these questions, please contact me.

Download your FREE copy of the “10 Questions to ask your Scrum Trainer” by Michael Vizdos at 10_training_questions.mvizdos.com.

Contact me (with feedback) or connect with me on LinkedIn to discuss this more together.


One final thing…

Subscribe to my weekly Saturday morning emails about Implementing Scrum in the real world. And get an “every two week” check in from me too.

What could be better?

About the Author: Michael Vizdos

Hi. I sincerely appreciate you reading this article. My name is Michael Vizdos and I’ve had the privilege of working with thousands of people on teams all around the world for the past 30+ years of my professional career.

You can read more about my background or contact me or connect with me / send me a direct message on LinkedIn .

Can you do me a quick favor?

If you found this article helpful, please "right click and share" the following link with your internal team (think slack channels) or out on your favorite social media platform:

I Want Scrum Training - Preparation For Your CSM or PSM by Michael Vizdos.

Do you have some feedback to share with me?

Contact me and let's start a conversation. Really.

Otherwise... Keep learning more by clicking through the links to my other articles below. Thank you!


First Team


Receiving Feedback When Implementing Scrum