Scrum Is Not A Silver Bullet

Scrum Is Not A Silver Bullet (Or The Answer To Everything)

You already know — or should — that 42 is the, "Answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything” (The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams).

Just like that book, there is something called the “Scrum Guide” (last revised in 2020 — you can read that online at, which many people used to think was the answer to all of your life problems when Implementing Scrum in the real world.

Spoiler Alert: Scrum Is NOT A Silver Bullet.

Beware of the Agile and Scrum “Snake Oil” salespeople out there.

Now that Scrum has screamed past the “innovator and early adopter” phases that all product / ideas go through (now really in the “late laggards” - which might be the reason you are reading this)… it’s ripe for abuse.

Please remember this: Scrum Is Not A Silver Bullet.

Scrum Is Not A Silver Bullet

If Scrum Is NOT A Silver Bullet, What Exactly Is Scrum In The Real World?

Scrum is a lightweight framework that helps people, teams and organizations generate value through adaptive solutions for complex problems (from the 2020 Scrum Guide - Definition Of Scrum).

Wow. Sounds totally ground-breaking, huh (not really, I get it… remember YOU are reading an article with Chickens and Pigs in a classic cartoon about Implementing Scrum!)?


It’s good to remember that’s what Scrum IS for.

It’s not like a late-night-TV-infomercial that will Slice It and Dice It and make Julienne Fries (uhh… is that even still a thing people recognize anymore!?).


Understand the differences between “simple” - “complicated” - and “complex” problems (I’ll dig deeper into that concept this weekend in my weekly email to subscribers — if you want that please contact me and ask me to send it to you later).

You cannot and should not be Implementing Scrum with everything you do (many have tried).

You’ve got to decide what you’ll use it for.

And then…

What Next?

Remember. Scrum is not a silver bullet.

Learn more about Scrum before you start using it.

Take a look around this my site (all free information!) and learn more about the origin of these strange little “Chicken and Pig” Scrum Cartoons.


Are you interested in bringing in an “outsider” to help with Implementing Scrum on your team or within your organization?

That could be me! Check out for some ways we might be able to work together.

Need some help processing some of the ideas in this article (like WHEN to really use — and NOT USE — Scrum in your organization)?

Contact me or connect with me on LinkedIn to discuss this more together. Really.

One final thing…

Subscribe to my FREE weekly Saturday morning emails about Implementing Scrum in the real world. And get an “every two week” check in from me too.

What could be better?

About the Author: Michael Vizdos

Hi. I really do appreciate you reading this article. My name is Michael Vizdos and I’ve had the privilege of working with thousands of people on teams all around the world for the past 30+ years of my professional career.

Learn how we might be able to work together.

You can also view my bio or contact me or connect with me / send me a direct message on LinkedIn .

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Scrum Is Not A Silver Bullet by Michael Vizdos.

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Beware Of Agile Snake Oil Scams