Your Journey of Implementing Scrum
Where are YOU on your journey of Implementing Scrum Today?
One of the main questions I get from people Implementing Scrum in the real world is, “Where am I?”
Well, OK, it’s not a question that get’s asked super often; however, over the decades of Implementing Scrum as an agile framework to help me — and my clients — succeed with agile, it’s an important point to consider.
Why is this even a question?
Depending on WHERE you are in the journey, the perception of what needs to happen usually evolves.
No matter where you are in your personal journey of Implementing Scrum, it’s important for you to remember that “just because YOU are at this stage in your journey” it does not mean everyone (or even anyone) else is in the same place as you.
Context Matters.
Remember this as you read more about figuring out where you are on your personal journey of Implementing Scrum today.
Think about what this means:
For you personally
For your team
For your organization
In your industry
In your world and for our planet (OK… not jumping off our planet for now lol).
Your Journey of Implementing Scrum Continues…
Select one of the links below to learn more about how you can become even more successful when Implementing Scrum in your world today:
Continue reading if you’d like a bit more context before learning more about where you are on your journey of Implementing Scrum today.
Focus. #deliver
Considering Scrum
If you are hearing this word, “Scrum” being thrown around on your team or within your organization and don’t have a clue about what this thing is….
This is a good place to start learning some of the terms and lingo.
You can read a fictional story about a person who is considering — or being told they are — Implementing Scrum in their organization. While I “tell the story” in the first person, please put yourself into the mind of that character and I promise you’ll get some good insights from someone who is considering Scrum in their organization today.
No matter where you are in your journey of Implementing Scrum today.
Learn more at Considering Scrum or subscribe to my free weekly cartoons and Saturday morning emails.
Starting Scrum
OK. You're done considering Scrum — or have been told you are starting Scrum in your organization today.
What now?
The best advice I can give you is, “Get Started.”
Genius advice, huh?
Hey, after 30+ years of professional experience, I’ve learned that getting started is sometimes the toughest thing to actually DO.
Well, really you could spin and spin and spin and get stuck in analysis paralysis part of considering Scrum. And then you’ll actually forget about getting started in the real world.
Start. Today. Right now.
Wondering how to get started Implementing Scrum?
You can get some guidance to remember when Starting Scrum along with some great free information to review in order to actually get started!
Learn more at Starting Scrum or subscribe to my free weekly Scrum cartoons and Saturday morning emails.
Practicing Scrum
You have moved past the phase in your journey of considering Scrum and starting Scrum.
Congratulations. You are now Implementing Scrum and practicing Scrum on a daily basis.
Are you?
In this stage of your journey of Implementing Scrum, it’s easy to put this whole Scrum Thing on “autopilot” (or seems like this happens a LOT in the real world).
In a word…
Do not put practicing Scrum on autopilot.
Remember, there are ways to:
Create an effective Scrum Team
Understand the Product Owner role (err… accountability)
Work with your Developers (these people on the Scrum Team used to be referred to as “Development Team Members”
Become an even more effective Scrum Master.
I’ve also provided you some bonus video links for your rabbit hole viewing pleasure (smile). You’re welcome.
Learn more at Practicing Scrum or subscribe to my free weekly Saturday morning emails (with the original Scrum Chicken and Pig cartoons).
Coaching Scrum
There are SO many “Agile Coaches” running amuck in the world today. Buyer beware.
Oh wait.
Are you an Agile or Scrum coach today and Implementing Scrum on your team or within your organization?
If you ARE (or are going to be) coaching anyone in Scrum or Agile, please be sure you have some experience delivering as a Scrum Master first.
Really. Getting back to the basics is always helpful (check out
But… assuming you are…
Please review some “Pro Tips” about become an even more awesome Agile Delivery Manager, Scrum Master, or Agile Coach.
Learn more at Coaching Scrum.
Comments and feedback are always welcome (on the specific topic of Coaching Scrum or anything else I’ve written or spoken about Implementing Scrum in the real world). Also, remember to subscribe to my free weekly cartoons and Saturday morning emails.
Leading Scrum
Leading Scrum versus Managing Scrum are two very different stances you can take when Implementing Scrum on your team or within your organization today.
Think about it.
In your mind, what is the difference between “Leading” and “Managing” a team in the real world?
Go ahead… do that thought exercise in your head and contact me if you’d like to discuss this together.
If you are on a senior leadership team, please check out for some incredible insights about what it means to be a Senior Leadership team member (warning: your brain might explode lol).
Learn more about becoming an exceptional leader to help your team when Implementing Scrum at Leading Scrum. You’ll notice there is a difference between “Managing Scrum” and “Leading Scrum.” You can also subscribe to my free weekly cartoons and Saturday morning emails.
Managing Scrum
Why are the words, “Managing Scrum” above even mentioned when both of those words are stricken through?
I want to remind encourage you to eliminate the word “manage” from your vocabulary.
PLEASE NOTE: This does NOT mean, “Get Rid Of Managers In Scrum.”
Learn more at Managing Scrum. It’s OK, you can click that link (smile) and subscribe to my free weekly cartoons and Saturday morning emails.
What Next?
Get started.
Take a stance.
Remember — with empathy — your stance is not the same as the next person.
Context Matters.
Take a look at ONE of the stops described above in a “typical” journey of someone Implementing Scrum in the real world today.
Pro Tip
Remember, your stance — and the path on your personal journey — will and should evolve. Understanding this is a key to successfully succeed with agile and Implementing Scrum in your world.
Need some help with this?
Contact me or connect with me on LinkedIn to discuss this more together.
Also, check out while you are here; it’s a great community of agile practitioners from around the world who are figuring things out together!
One final thing…
Subscribe to my weekly Saturday morning emails about Implementing Scrum in the real world. And get an “every two week” check in from me too.
What could be better?
About the Author: Michael Vizdos
Hi. I really do appreciate you reading this article. My name is Michael Vizdos and I’ve had the privilege of working with thousands of people on teams all around the world for the past 30+ years of my professional career.
Learn how we might be able to work together.
You can also view my bio or contact me or connect with me / send me a direct message on LinkedIn .
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Your Journey of Implementing Scrum by Michael Vizdos.
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