Articles & Reference Materials

These are your Scrum Learning Resources to learn more about Implementing Scrum — and other Agile techniques — in the real world.

Please view my blog articles and other popular learning resources below, or subscribe to get actionable insights — and free Scrum cartoons — about Implementing Scrum.

Scrum Guide Michael Vizdos Scrum Guide Michael Vizdos

Scrum Event: Sprint Retrospective [Video]

Sprint Retrospective. This Scrum Event - Sprint Retrospective video definition is from the official 2020 Scrum Guide by Ken Schwaber and Jeff Sutherland. The video of the Scrum Event - Sprint Retrospective is created and curated by Michael Vizdos. Focus. #deliver

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Popular Scrum Learning Center Resources

This is a summary of some of my learning resources available today.

If you can’t find what you are looking for, please contact me and I’ll point you in the right direction.